Hello Clubhouse Family! I hope all of you are adjusting to this “new normal” and are staying positive as we all navigate these waters together!
A few days ago, while shopping at the grocery store… I saw so much immediate need around me. I immediately thought, “What can WE do as a community to help directly meet these needs?”
As more of us stay at home, most of us have an easier time getting into breaks and enjoying our hobby… I didn’t want to just sit here filling breaks like nothing had changed in the world around us… so I came up with Clubhouse Cares…
For EACH DAY that we fill the ‘standard’ 4 Breaks on the website… we will be going to a local grocery store here in KC, and buying $200 worth of groceries for individuals and families going through a hard time right now. The intention is to run this through AT LEAST the end of April… which would equate to $5,000+ given to people struggling right now.
“But what about when we fill more than 4 breaks (which is normal)?!” Well… EVERY BREAK filled above and beyond the standard 4 … will add to that $200 Total for the day!
We will be posting updates in ourĀ Facebook Group as well as on the website in ‘The Wire’ section on our daily interactions and the impact that YOU ALL are making by supporting The Clubhouse and Clubhouse Cares!
I look forward to making an impact as a community!
Much Love,
Michael, Melissa, Kipp and Matt